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What do you need help with?

Login / registration
Confirming your account
Emails not arriving
Deleting your account
Billing / payments
Email alerts
Abusive members
Something else

Login / registration
Our registration process is one of the simplest, just an email address is required and you have instant access to the site. We will send you a confirmation link at the same time which you can click to confirm your account.

Confirming your account
To get the most from our site it’s essential that you confirm your account by ensuring you have a valid email address. Without confirmation you will not get message/alerts from other members. If you entered the wrong address when you joined then you can change your email address from the settings menu, SETTINGS > EMAIL ADDRESS.

Emails not arriving
We send thousands of alerts/messages to members every day and sometimes they can be caught by a spam / junk filter. Check spam and junk folders first. If that doesn’t fix your problem then ensure you have not turned off alerts in the setting menu on the app/site, SETTINGS > EMAIL ALERTS. If you’re still not getting alerts then your email provider will be deleting our messages before you get them, please switch to another provider such as Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo. Providers such as ATT and AOL are very poor at delivering emails to your inbox.

Deleting your account
If you don’t want to be a member anymore then that’s ok. We don’t keep your data like some of the unethical sites in the industry. From the settings menu select delete account, SETTINGS > DELETE ACCOUNT, and in less than 1 second all your data is gone. Make sure you really want to do this as it cannot be undone. If you’re a VIP member ensure you cancel your membership payment before deleting your account.

Billing / payments / cancelations
Our payment provider manages all billing queries. They can help with any aspect of your billing. You can contact them here:

Phone (US): 1 888 596 9279
Web: CCBill Support

Email alerts
If you’re very popular and getting too many emails you can unsubscribe from alerts. This can be done from the footer of any alert email or via the settings menu within the app/site, SETTINGS > EMAIL ALERTS. If you do choose to unsubscribe then remember to login everyday and check your messages.

Abusive members
When chatting with other members, if you encounter someone abusive then you can block and report them with just a couple of clicks. You will then become invisible to that user and our moderation team will follow up. Click the alert icon within the chat / instant messenger.

Something else
If you have a question that is not covered here then please .